Tuesday, December 29, 2009

test 2

ah the joys of a remote mexican cell phone internet card in the middle of nowhere...


  1. Hey Greg, Helga sent me the link to your blog. I will be keeping up with your journey. I love the South Pacific, but I think I will stick to Air Travel to get me there. I don't have the stomach for what you are doing. But I trult admire the fact you are crossing it off your "goals list". Have fun and Safe Travels.
    Mark MacCaull

  2. Dear Greg and Tiff,
    So glad you are following your dreams. In snowy cold Reno, Mexico sounds great!

    Daniel & Deb Miller

  3. Very cool I can become a world traveler by proxy - do you guys take adventure requests? :)

  4. Hey there!!! . . .and Happy Holidays!!!

    Got your email on your blog today. . .wow!!! . . .certainly a way of chasing your dream by sailing!!! Travel safely. . .we think of you two often. . .look forward to reading more about your travels. . .Dan and Gigi

  5. Greg & Tiff,

    So good to see you chasing the Dream...we will be following your Journey.

    Rick & Cheryl

  6. hey Greg! I wish I was crossing things off my list. You are cool!
    I sent you a picture I thought you may enjoy :o)
    Happy New Year!!!

  7. ok no i didnt email you the picture. it wouldnt let me reply. alternate email address???

  8. Greg....you guys are so amazing! I'm doing my best to keep Michael "in line"...but you know that's not an easy assignment. Just kidding, I'm so grateful he's finding time to help Tom in the business---HUGE help!
    Be safe....may ya'll enjoy calm sailing throughout your amazing adventure!! Take care.

  9. Wow, you go to sea for a few days...

    Thanks everyone!

    Mark, They have a saying down here I'd think you'd like "nothing goes to weather like a Boeing 747" ;-)

    Daniel & Deb, always great to hear from you, as for snow, yeah, well, at least there's skiing?? no, well, boats are cheap and vacations down here are cheaper ;-)

    Yes Jodi, I take requests. preferably ones that make good video or put me in amusing situations (no Mexican jails please ;-)

    Dan & Gigi...what about going out into the middle of the ocean in a 30 foot bathtub powered by a big bedsheet sounds even remotely safe to you? ;-) I'll do my best

    Rick & Cheryl, great to hear from you as always!

    Clarissa, thanks for the picture, made my freaking week!

    Mrs. Lockridge, Michael...in line...right. ;-) I keep hearing amazing things about what y'all are doing in San Antonio! As for the calm sailing, too late, but continued prayers are always appreciated! ;-)

  10. Tiffany and Greg,

    I just wanted to send you a note to let you know we got your card in the mail. Well it's so cool to see you guys traveling all over the world. I am proud of you guys and glad to see you all getting out.

    We have moved the new address is 159 Farrs Rd, Kingston, TN 37763 865-376-0045. Just wanted you guys ti know your welcome here anytime for as long as you like. We have plenty of room, beautiful views and a family that loves you all. So when you get over this way let us know and we'll leave the light on.

    Robert & Linda

  11. Thanks Robert & Linda!

    TN's a bit north and WAY too cold right now (seriously, I leave for a few months and the whole country goes to heck...which apparently froze over ;-), but on our way back around there's a good chance we can make that happen!!
