Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Prostitutes, breathalyzers and airplanes

2012 started off as...eventful...

From the story of how Greg "kind of" failed a breathalyzer test to our discovery of legalized prostitution in New Zealand and finally our confrontation of that oh so difficult question all long-term travelers must face, "Is it worth it to go home?"  Last month was thought provoking, to say the least.

So between the breath tests, prostitutes and airplanes we had all kinds of new experiences this month!

And speaking of drinking, we've finally uncorked the Grog Files!  So far we have up our drinking explorations in...

But, don't let Greg open the bottle.  Or at least give him a corkscrew otherwise he gets creative.


We always love hearing from you and hope your 2012 started off as exciting as ours did!


-Greg & Tiffany