Monday, October 24, 2011

The Country That Only Accepts VISA

September, wow, what happened in September? ;-)

Aside from our 8 year wedding anniversary? ;-)


Oh yeah, that's right, we checked out what, in Greg's opinion, is the crown jewel, the best, the number one island in Polynesia: the Island-Nation of Niue.  1 island, 1300 people, lots of nature.  This place is amazing!



... And then came the part where we couldn't get any money because the wait, we mean THE ENTIRE COUNTRY, does not accept MasterCard.  At all.  Even a little bit.  Even if it's your bank card.  Even if it's your only way to access you account!


Lesson learned.


Oh and they have INTERNET!  Real, actual, oh wow it doesn't take us 10 hours to send this freaking monthly email INTERNET!!"



...Really, you don't get how big this is...


And for those of you who are reading our blog month to month and saying to yourselves "yeah, that's awesome, but I couldn't ever do the boat part." Well, this is for you: we met a fellow traveler that got to the islands the way most sane people do: by plane.  Thing is, she lived in paradise for the past several months on less than it would cost her to live at home.  If the tropics keep calling your name but the yacht thing ain't for you, then this article might really open your eyes:


The world awaits and it loves company!





-Greg & Tiffany

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