Call it a hat trick, cuz here’s #3!
(Greg would like to point out that most people have completely forgotten their new year’s resolutions at this point.)
Last month with the blog was nuts!
First off, we launched a new part of the blog. For all of you asking “How do I get in on this whole sailing around the world for free thing?” check out our “how to crew” page and tell us what you questions you have
We discuss the history and overall wisdom of getting a sailor’s tattoo. Find out if we get inked:
Tipping is goes from polite debate to international incident:
And for those of you who did not know, Greg’s made for SyFy TV movie was released to DVD last month! (For those of you who really did not know, Greg was hired as an actor in a SyFy channel movie - Sharktopus!) Find out exactly how many degrees Greg is from Kevin Bacon!
So much happened last month, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Wander around the blog and let us know what you think!
Hey and we really appreciate all the responses to these emails. It’s so nice to know you all are reading! We have responded to all of your emails up to now and we will continue to do our best to personally reply to each of your questions. It may take a while sometimes because internet connectivity in the middle of the ocean can understandably be a bit “spotty” ;-)
We hear it’s finally warming up back home. Enjoy the sunshine, We sure are!
-Greg and Tiffany